Focussed Monitoring


We follow the following steps for focused monitoring of students.

  • Absentee Call.
  • Self Study Planner.
  • Telephonic Feedback.
  • Monthly Feedback.
  • Parents Meeting
  • Regular cross-check of Home Assignment.

Home Visits

Just to know the daily routine of the students and to know more about them. We visit and meet the students and parents at their home.

In case of Problems.

If there is any problem please inform the concerned person immediately and if it is not resolved within two days then please call/message the same to the center head on the following numbers.

If it is not resolved in next 2 days you are supposed to message the problem at 7388102625 or mail at

If even then the problem is not resolved in next 2 days please message it to 9839900345 or mail at

Still if it is not resolved then please message it to director office at 8127927777 or mail at

and if the problem is still not resolved, you have to message the same to the Director at 9415007077 or mail at

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Lucknow’s premier coaching institute from Class VIII ti Class XII. Transforming students via our child-centric, service-oriented focus on results!